

About Us

Job Description

Associate Manager Analytics in this role get to:

  • 8+ years of experience in the IT industry in product development as a business analyst.
  • A business analyst should be able to comprehend the business problems and requirements of the client.
  • The business analyst must analyze and translate the client’s requirements distinctly and prioritize them.
  • Should be capable of creating and assessing multiple options before arriving at the aspired solution.
  • Ability to communicate concisely with the stakeholders and clients regarding the requirements.
  • Carry out a cost-benefit analysis to assess the costs and benefits expected in a project.
  • Business analysts must be proficient in using various business intelligence tools (Dashboard, Visualizations, BI Reporting Tools, Predictive Analytics, Data Mining, ETL "extract transfer loads", tools that transfer data from one datastore to another ,OLAP, Online analytical processing ,Drill-Down, ) for creating reports and dashboards.
  • must be proficient in (Business Process Modeling (BPM), Brainstorming, CATWOE, MoSCoW (Must or Should, Could or Would), MOST (Mission, Objectives, Strategies, and Tactics) Analysis, PESTLE Analysis, SWOT Analysis, Six Thinking Hats, The 5 Whys, Non-Functional Requirement Analysis)
  • Business analysts develop general reports and dashboard reports to solve decision-making problems.
  • Should be good at documentation of all the phases of the project.
  • It is good to have knowledge in software product development and mobile app development.
  • Hands on with Excel, SQL and visualization tools such as Power BI is an added advantage.
  • It’s good to have hands-on programming knowledge.


Our most successful candidates will have: -

Experience: 8-10 Years

  • Bachelors or master’s from a reputed institute
  • Arabic / English speaking and writing skills are must