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The MENA region (Middle East and North Africa) is a culturally diverse area with a wide range of languages spoken. Some of the most common languages spoken in the MENA region include:

1. Arabic: Arabic is the most widely spoken language in the MENA region. It is the official language of 26 countries, including Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Morocco. There are many dialects of Arabic spoken in the region, such as Egyptian Arabic, Levantine Arabic, and Gulf Arabic.

2. Berber: Berber is a group of closely related languages spoken in North Africa, particularly in Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia. It is the second most widely spoken language in Morocco.

3. Kurdish: Kurdish is an Indo-European language spoken by the Kurdish people, who are primarily located in Turkey, Iraq, Iran, and Syria. It has several dialects, including Sorani, Kurmanji, and Pehlewani.

4. Persian/Farsi: Persian, also known as Farsi, is the official language of Iran, and is also spoken in Afghanistan and Tajikistan. It is an Indo-European language with a long history and rich literature.

5. Turkish: Turkish is the official language of Turkey and is also spoken in Cyprus, Azerbaijan, and parts of Iraq and Syria. It is a Turkic language and has many unique features, such as vowel harmony and agglutination.

Other languages spoken in the MENA region include Hebrew, Aramaic, French, and English, among others.