Arab Trade Financing Program

Arab Trade Financing Program

About Us

The Arab Trade Financing Program (ATFP) is a multilateral financial institution established in 1989 by the League of Arab States with the aim of promoting economic development and trade within the Arab region. It is headquartered in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, and has a membership of 21 Arab countries.

The ATFP provides a range of financial products and services to support trade and investment in the Arab world. These include trade finance, export credit insurance, guarantees and credit facilities, and other specialized financing products. The ATFP also works closely with other international financial institutions and trade organizations to promote economic cooperation and integration among Arab countries.

One of the key objectives of the ATFP is to facilitate the development of Arab trade by providing financing solutions to both Arab exporters and importers. By doing so, the program aims to reduce the cost of trade finance, increase the availability of credit, and promote cross-border trade within the region.

Overall, the Arab Trade Financing Program plays an important role in promoting economic development and integration among Arab countries, and is an important institution in the global trade and finance landscape.